Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Locations: DAY ONE

I want to open my music video with my actress sitting in a kitchen listening to the radio. I have decided to use my friends Kiera's kitchen as the location for this shot as though her kitchen is a soft yellow, a colour that has connotations of happiness attached to it, it still has a rather gloomy and dark feel to it which fits in with the contradicting atmosphere of music video.

I then decided to use five arches parks as one of my other locations. I featured various parts of the park in my video, I liked the green and natural aesthetic of this area. I took shots of my actress in the children's park, bridge and next to a cluster of trees. I chose these locations as I felt that they created visually dynamic shots and linked with the atmosphere of the music video effectively.

I used this location for the scene where my character tears up a picture of her old self and then disposes of it by throwing it into the river.

I liked the symmetry of this structure so decided to use this as the location for one of my shots where my character leaves her childhood teddy; effectively leaving her past behind her.

I used the swings as one of my locations for my characters lip-syncing scenes as I liked how the serious content of the song's message contrasted with the youthful innocence of the playground.

Using the swing chair as a location was a very last minute impulsive decision but I thought that this could make an interesting shot with her playing the guitar. 

I featured this cluster of trees as another location for my actress to abandon a piece of her past (Ballet shoes).

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