Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Monday, 28 November 2016

New Actress: Fact File

Name: Kiera King
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Music Video Role:
Kiera will be playing the role of my music artist Savannah. In this music video I would like to portray the emotions of a young girl who wants to leave her childhood and past self behind. She is angry about the way the media desensitises us to the horrors in the world by embedding serious news between Kardashian clickbait and wants to claim bak her body and personality for herself. Kiera will be depicting the symbolic dramatised cleansing in this video and will lip-sync throughout.

Music, Live Music Events, funky socks, Iron Man, coming of age films, being trendy, glitter, candles, vinyl, Halloween, photography, editing images and having a sick Instagram feed.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Tomatoes, summer, mean people, inequality, spiders, when things are more expensive than they need to be (aka everything in Urban Outfitters) and people who tell other people to go home.

Music Taste:
The 1975, Blossoms, The Vaccines, David Bowie, Peace, Queen, Catfish and The Bottlemen and The Arctic Monkeys.

Reasons for choosing this actress:
Kiera's style and is reflective of the indie/alternative music genre, she also enjoys listening to music from a similar genre to the genre that the song I am making my music video belongs to. Additionally she is reliable, enthusiastic about the role and experienced both behind and in front of the the camera so will know how to take direction well.

Filming: Issues and Future Plans

After filming the first day of my music video it became apparent to both my and I actress that we could not agree upon a further filming date where we when we were both free to shoot the rest of the music video. This was an issue as I planned to film and make a first draft of the video over christmas which was becoming increasingly unlikely so I made the decision to re-film the footage that I had compiled with a new actor who was more readily available to film.
I roughly edited what I had already filmed with my original actress to see if the footage ideas that I had were working in the way that I wanted them to and found that I did not like what I had filmed at all and felt that it didn't work with the atmosphere of the song in the way that I should.
This is the footage:

I feel as though there are too many cuts and the whole video so far feels too jumpy and this does not fit with the smoothness of the song. I also think that the footage that I had for the opening voice over audio was far too serene and felt disjointed with the atmosphere of this section and that the footage that follows this is also disconnected front the song. I would like to change this section completely and create a more intense atmosphere for the voice-over to contrast with other more calm footage that will feature later.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016


I used a Legeria HF R706 canon video camera to film my music video. I decided this would be a good camera to use as it is compact, with "Good image quality, 50p MP4 mode and Creative effects".

I also borrowed a stage light from the school drama studio to professionally light the footage I filmed inside as I found upon inspecting my kitchen location that the area did not get much natural lighting and the shot would need to be more well lit.

I was loaned a tripod by a friend for this filming process so I could achieve steady footage.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Shooting Schedule: DAY ONE (24/09/16)

Locations: DAY ONE

I want to open my music video with my actress sitting in a kitchen listening to the radio. I have decided to use my friends Kiera's kitchen as the location for this shot as though her kitchen is a soft yellow, a colour that has connotations of happiness attached to it, it still has a rather gloomy and dark feel to it which fits in with the contradicting atmosphere of music video.

I then decided to use five arches parks as one of my other locations. I featured various parts of the park in my video, I liked the green and natural aesthetic of this area. I took shots of my actress in the children's park, bridge and next to a cluster of trees. I chose these locations as I felt that they created visually dynamic shots and linked with the atmosphere of the music video effectively.

I used this location for the scene where my character tears up a picture of her old self and then disposes of it by throwing it into the river.

I liked the symmetry of this structure so decided to use this as the location for one of my shots where my character leaves her childhood teddy; effectively leaving her past behind her.

I used the swings as one of my locations for my characters lip-syncing scenes as I liked how the serious content of the song's message contrasted with the youthful innocence of the playground.

Using the swing chair as a location was a very last minute impulsive decision but I thought that this could make an interesting shot with her playing the guitar. 

I featured this cluster of trees as another location for my actress to abandon a piece of her past (Ballet shoes).

Friday, 18 November 2016

Actress Post

I decided to use Josephine Ward as the actress for my music video:

Josie has modeled for other peers on multiple occasions so I felt that she would make a good actress as would be familiar with being given and following direction. She is also a fan of many different music genres and knows the song I would like to use well. I think that she fits the genre well as she has a rather unique and indie style/look, with her hair and nose piercing making her stand out from the rest. She is also very at home in nature (minus her crippling fear of spiders and cattle) and this kind of background will feature heavily in my music video.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Talent Release Form

The below Talent Release form is an agreement that I will get my actress to sign informing them of the commitment they are making and how I will use their image in the process of producing my music video. By signing this form they are allowing me to edit the footage of them in any way I want after the filming has been completed. 

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Costume Mood Board

I wanted to create a very indie and autumn inspired aesthetic in terms of my actresses costume so I decided to create a mood board of the kind of clothing I wanted so I had something to reference when making final decisions about costume:

Filming Confirmation

After making my schedule I contacted my actress to see if she was available to shoot, this was the response:

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Risk Analysis

I decided to compose a risk assessment so that I have pre-planned ideas about how to deal with possible problems that could arise during the filming process of the music video and would be prepared to deal with these issues.